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From Maiden to Mother 

Motherhood Blessings 

These intimate gatherings are held to nurture the Mother in you, a blessing to welcome in a soon to be new love.

It takes a village to raise a child, let us start your village. 


Motherhood Blessings

A gathering which takes place not too long before the Maiden is to take on a new role as a Mother, whether that be their first, second or even fifth time of birthing & bringing in new life.


From Maiden to Mother 


They say that it takes a village to raise a child & a village this just is. 


Tailored to how you would like the gathering to flow but expect being within a circle with the ones you love.

Showering our soon to be Mother in love & timely advice by way of ritual.

Traditional Mother blessings 

Crystal grids used as part of the ceremony

Meditation, Breath work & guided visualisations to bring us all together in harmony as one. 

Offerings from myself to each who have joined


& more...



We want to send our Maiden on the beginning of this transformational chapter of life feeling held, nurtured & honoured.

With as much support, wisdom & positivity as we can possibly give her.


The day can be tailored to how you would like it to go & i am happy to provide ideas of how we can make this take place. 


If you would like some more information or to book a Motherhood Blessing

Please get in touch via email 

or Instagram



lets gather some ideas & plan your Maiden's Blessing.


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