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Bhramari ‘Humming Bee’ Pranayama for the Winter Solstice

With tomorrow being the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year & longest night I thought I’d share a breath work practice with you that has shaped a special place in my heart.

Since becoming pregnant I have been looking to the cooler, calmer side of pranayama practices & have completely fallen In love with Bhramari or otherwise known as humming bee breath.

I have become obsessed with bees so this feels quite fitting.

My practice of Bhramari has been ramped up slightly when approaching a new or full moon, if you are someones who really feels the noise & chitter chatter of moon cycles then humming bee breath can help to nurture & quieten the mind.

If you have not yet had the pleasure of trying this magically pranayama then follow the steps below to give it a whirl, practicing something like a humming bee breath before a solstice can help to relax you into the new that tiny bit more...

Sit comfortably, perhaps a crossed legged position with the back tall and shoulders relaxed.

Start by taking a few natural breaths, and close your eyes if this feels comfortable for you.

Now take the four fingers & palms to the crown & either side of the head & the thumbs to the squidgy cartilage part of your ears.

Then, keeping the lips lightly sealed, inhale through the nostrils

As you exhale close down the ears & make the sound of the letter M, or what feels like a humming sound.

Sustain the sound until you need to inhale. Then repeat perhaps 5 or 6 times or for however long feels comfortable & you feel a little bit more grounded, nurtured, quiet.

I would love to hear how you get on practicing your own Bhramari breath, please feel free to comment below with any feelings.

Happy Winter Solstice Loves,

C x

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